Saturday, 16 April 2016

Art workshop 2

What have we done Today?
 In the first part of the class we made ​a paper mixture and paper machê . Two different ways. The first one is just paper with water and the other is with water, paper and liquid glue.

The materials

First way of doing:

  1. Newspaper cut to small pieces;
  2. Join the paper to hot water;
  3. Mix well and after softening, grinding;
  4. With its own network of very small holes, take a layer of the mixture. Placing the layer on top of magazine pages. ( if you want a thin layer only remove on the top if the mixture, if you want a thicker one you need to get more deeply into the mixture);
  5. Decorate the paper if desired and allow to dray (the drying time depends on the size and thickness of the paper).

Second way of doing:

  1. Newspaper cut to small pieces;
  2. Join the paper to hot water;
  3. Join the liquid glue and mix ( not well mixed );
  4. With a textile with little holes, put the mixture in and squeeze well;
  5. Take the mixture from within the textile and is ready to be worked.


In the second part of the class we worked different types of clay and plasticine.
We made a sculpture in groups and we mixed colors to get new ones. We had a circle with some colors and we tried to reach those colors.

It was a more guided work than the other time and it is also important and an interesting experience.

Areas of knowledge worked - mathematics , language, senses , knowledge of ourselves and the world and ecology.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

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