Saturday, 16 April 2016

Navet museum of science

Today we visited the Museum of Science , Navet , and work two different areas of knowledge , physics and stories , which include both the language , such as writing, thinking, math , creativity , knowledge of the world and of human, almost all áreas of knowledge.
In the first part we made catapults, we had three different models and we had to think how we could improve them and we experience what would be the best.

We also worked with shadows , using different materials and trying to draw a city with them.

Shadow city

In the second part we had to start creating a story , we chose the characters and the names , made ​​the characterization and the scenario we wanted to the story and then we had to start creating .

The Museum of Science is always a very interesting place to go with children . Everything we do and we are have science in it and works the knowledge areas.
When children see science in moments / experiences of the day-to-day realize it better and gain more interest in what they are learning .
When they like something they learn better and this is very important , trying that what we are teaching them to be something of interest, because it will be easier to realize and to teach.
In catapults of activity, it is very interesting the idea of ​​working improving these . Through a mold let the kids create catapults and then try to improve them , this creates a physical thinking without speaking specifically in physics, and all knowledge can be crafted doing science but without explaining laws and scientific facts. The thought is created and later is easier to understand .
In the assembly of the city of shadows , an important element , and that children can discover , is the size that the shadow gains depending on the distance of the lamp. If the object is closer to the lamp the shade becomes larger and if is further from the lamp the shade is smaller. 

In creating a story , all areas of knowledge are active. Imagination and creativity have to be worked and depending on the history, science is introduced gradually . For example , when creating a scenario we have to think about the environment we are in, if it's cold , hot, sun, rain, clouds, if we are on the beach, in the woods or in the desert , the animals that live there , if there are houses, buildings , the kind of nature that exists there, and joins them in a logical way , all this has a scientific thinking behind and in most cases you do not even think about it .
Taking the kids to know things and try to do them is a great way to learn and works all knowledge without rules and laws. They are explained but being worked not just with theory. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016