Saturday, 16 April 2016

Navet 2

The second visit to Navet museum and with tree friends!
Manny, Marta and Catarina, joined us in this visit and was really funny!

In the first part of the visit we needed to make something from plastic or paper with a message, a meaning.
Me, Mariana Silva and Manny were a group and we used plastic to make a crocodile. 
The crocodile was a new species that appeared because of the garbage that people do not treat and throw to the floor and the oceans.

The crocoplast

The other Mariana, Marta and Catarina, were another group and they made a dress with a plastic bag.

In the end we need to think about which time the planet needs to destroy certain things.

In the second parte of the day we made some robots.
This robots had a special thing, they needed to paint!
Me and Mariana Gomes made a octopus robot.



 In the end we needed to see which robot was the must powerful so we made a battle.



 It was a tied! 



We also had a dinner today! 
We made a dinner to introduce our portuguese friends to our erasmus friends. It was a very good night! 
Max made the dinner and us the dessert again..



                                                                                                                        Thursday, March 24, 2016

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