Thursday, 28 April 2016

Last day of practice...

Today we had the last day of practice...

I'm sad to leave them and Sweden but at the same time i'm really happy to return to Portugal.

As it was the last day we thought of giving a party for the children.
We made a kind of concert but with presenters.

Me and Mariana Gomes were the presenters and Mariana Silva was the violinist.

The presenters

The presenters and the violinist

She was "Carlota Bolota! The most greatest, best, and very famous, violinist from Portugal!"

She played "Bamse", "Pipi" and "Apita o Comboio" ( a Portuguese one).
With this last one we made a dance with them because this music is about a train, we made some lines and we were like the train!

"Apita o Comboio"

They were really excited and in the end Mariana thought of a new song for them to calm down and then we could give them the fruit. She played "somewhere over the rainbow" and we made fruit salad to be a bit different for the children...

After that my class went to the woods, i played a lot with them, in the afternoon we searched for birds (a game that i had prepared for them) and in the end of the day they gave me a present!

A book of "Pipi" with a beautiful message they wrote for me so i never forget them (i never will!!), some draws they made for me and a bracelet!


It was the best way it could end!
Thank you all for the amazing time we spent together!

But it was not just for the kids... We needed to thank all the preschool for having us there so we made some tradition sweets from Portugual for them to try!

"Salame de Chocolate":

  • 100g of butter;
  • 100g of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 200g of 'Maria' cookies;
  • 100g of chocolate powder.
Chop the cookies so that they are in small pieces. 
Knead the butter with the sugar, mix the egg and beat well.
Blend the chocolate and mix well.
In the end mix the cookies and blend really well.
Wrap the mixture in silver with the form of "salame" and put it in the fridge for some hours.

"Baba de Camelo" 
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 6 eggs.
Boil the condensed milk for 40 min. ( the can needs to be closed and the water should not cover the top.
Separate the whites from the gems.
When the milk is boiled mix with the gems.
Beat the egg whites.
Mix everything really well and put it in the fridge for some hours.


We hope the sweets were good! 

Thank you Melltorp Förskola! 

Thursday, April 28, 2016


  1. 100% sure you cried after this

  2. It´s sad...but we already knew that we had to say goodbye. They will also miss you a lot. But you must be proud! Now they will carry you in their hearts.
