Saturday, 16 April 2016

Third week of practice - 14 to 18 of march, 2016

The last week! How time flies...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016 - 

Maizena, a tipe of flour that can be mixed with water and then we have magic!
And that is what i had done with the kids today, a bit of magic...

If you mix one cup of maizena and half cup of water you'll get a mixture with a funny texture.
If you press the mixture it will be hard but if you grab a bit and then drop, it will be liquid and will slip through the hands.

The goals for this work with maizena are " develop their curiosity and enjoyment, as well as their ability to play and learn, their creative abilities and the ability to convey impressions, thoughts and experiences in many different forms of expression, such as play, pictures, song and music, dance and drama, their understanding of science and relationships in nature, as well as knowledge of plants, animals, and also simple chemical processes and physical phenomena, their ability to distinguish, explore, document, put questions about and talk about science." (Curriculum for the preschool Lpfö 98, 2010)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - 

"A história das amendoeiras em flor" - 'the history of almond blossom'
Portugal is very different from north to south and I am trying to show a little of all places, the other story from last week was from the north and this one is from the south! 
Is a story of a powerful Moorish king who marries a princess of the north but the princess gets sick because she feels the lack of snow. The king decides to plant almond trees and in the spring the flowers of almond stalls on the ground give the idea of ​​snow and the princess is cured.

The Portuguese map and the world map

The story

The goals for the story were, "develop their curiosity and enjoyment, as well as their ability to play and learn, feel a sense of participation in their own culture and develop a feeling and respect for other cultures, their use of spoke language, vocabulary and concepts, as well as the ability to play with words, relate something, express their thoughts, put questions, and put forward their arguments and communicate with others, their anderstanding of science and relationship in nature, as well as knowledge os plants, animals, and also simple chemical processes and physical phenomena." ( curriculum for the preschool Lpfö 98, 2010)

Today we also went to the recycling place with some children to recycle some plastics. Here in Sweden when you buy a plastic bottles you have some machines that return you the "pant" so we went there for the kids to learn how it works.


Thursday, March 17, 2016 -

Easter is almost there and today the children painted their Easter Egg and I taught how to make flowers with the wood of the pencil that goes to waste.




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